Composable Quantum Network Modeling

Stefan Krastanov
University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Amherst, U. Arizona, Harvard, MIT, Yale, BYU, U. Chicago, Howard University, U. Oregon, NAU

10k$ in mini dev grants
and bug bounties

The Quantum Technology Stack


Analog Control

Noisy Digital Circuits

Error Correction

Quantum Algorithms

Full-Stack Design and Optimization Toolkit

Symbolic description of quantum logic

Declarative noise models

Translation to many simulator backends

Discrete event scheduler

High-level lego-like interface


Symbolic description of quantum logic

Build upon Symbolics.jl and many "backend" libraries.

Full Symbolic Computer Algebra System

              julia> Z₁

              julia> ( Z₁⊗X₂+Y₁⊗Y₁ ) / √2
              0.707 (|Y₁⟩|Y₁⟩+|Z₁⟩|X₂⟩)

Symbolic to Numeric Conversion

              julia> express( ( Z₁⊗X₂+Y₁⊗Y₁ ) / √2 )
                basis: [Spin(1/2) ⊗ Spin(1/2)]
                 0.8535533905932736 + 0.0im
                                0.0 + 0.3535533905932737im
               -0.49999999999999994 + 0.3535533905932737im
                -0.3535533905932737 + 0.0im

              julia> express( Y₁⊗Y₂, CliffordRepr() )
              Rank 2 stabilizer
              + Z_
              + _Z
              + Y_
              - _Y

Translation to many simulator backends

                traits = [Qubit(), Qubit(), Qumode()]
                reg = Register(traits)

A register "stores" the states being simulated.

                initialize!(reg[1], X₁)

A register's slot can be initialized to an arbitrary state, e.g. $|x_1\rangle$ an eigenstate of $\hat{\sigma}_x$.

                initialize!(reg[1], X₁)
                initialize!(reg[2], Z₁)
                apply!((reg[1], reg[2]), CNOT)

Arbitrary quantum gates or channels can be applied.

                initialize!(reg[1], X₁)
                initialize!(reg[2], Z₁)
                apply!((reg[1], reg[2]), CNOT)

Arbitrary quantum gates or channels can be applied.

              project_traceout!(reg[1], σˣ) # Projective measurement

              observable((reg[1],reg[2]), σᶻ⊗σˣ) # Calculate an expectation

Measurements and expectation values...

Discrete event scheduler

Locks and channels, message passing, delays, concurrency, agent-based sims...

Discrete event scheduler

High-level lego-like interface

Full repeater sim with automatic instrumentation.

Composable Networking Protocols

Case Study on Network Modeling

The Need for Repeaters

Exponential Loss

Raw entangled fiber links can not be longer than a few km.

Exponential Loss solved by Entanglement Swapping

Swapping Protocol Enabled with Minimal Composable Code

                  for (;src, dst) in edges(network)
                      @process EntanglerProt(...)
                  for node in vertices(network)
                      @process SwapperProt(...)
                      @process EntanglementTracker(...)

design considerations: all the state information that a node needs to track (and update)

                  for (;src, dst) in edges(network)
                      @process EntanglerProt(...)
                  for node in vertices(network)
                      @process SwapperProt(...)
                      @process EntanglementTracker(...)

Protocol API requirements

  • metadata for describing local knowledge about the network
  • querying and searching that metadata
  • visualizing metadata
  • composability


We are talking just about swaps here, but a plethora of other protocols might also want to run at the same time. How do you synchronize them all!?


😕 State of the art 😕
... imagine if the classical internet needed a new Transport Layer packet type for each Application Layer service ...

The tag and query API

Tagging, i.e. recording metadata

                  # in EntanglerProt

                  julia> EntanglementCounterpart(1,2)
                  Entangled to node 1, slot 2

Tagging, i.e. recording metadata

              # in SwapperProt

              julia> EntanglementHistory(...)
              Was entangled to node 1, slot 2,
              but swapped with local slot 3,
              which was entangled to node 4, slot 5

              julia> EntanglementUpdateX(...)
              Update slot .5
              which used to be entangled to node 2, slot 3
              to be now entangled to node 1, slot 2

Querying metadata
(with wildcards)

              # in EntanglementTracker
              # when an EntanglementUpdate message is received
              query(localslot, EntanglementHistory,
                     pastremotenode, pastremoteslotid,
                     ❓, ❓, # who we swapped with (node, slot)
                     ❓)    # which local slot used to be entangled


Querying metadata
(with custom predicates)

              # in SwapperProt
              # when deciding what swap to perform
                    <(localnode), # we want only nodes on the "left"
                    ❓; # we do not care which slot
                    locked=false) # the qubit should be available

More Sophisticated Protocols: Switches

More Sophisticated Protocols: Switches

                  for ((client1, client2), rate) in zip(client_pairs, rates)
                      @process make_request(...)
                  for client in clients
                      @process EntanglementTracker(...)
                  @process SimpleSwitchDiscreteProt(...)

Other Examples:
Swappers on a grid

We are hiring
(remote worldwide):
software engineering
quantum science

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Options for larger dev grants as well!

Consider gradschool or postdoc
at UMass Amherst:

Design of quantum hardware.

Working on practical LDPC ECC.

Creating new tools for the entire community.