All-Photonic Artificial Neural Network Processor Via Non-linear Optics

Stefan Krastanov | MIT ⟶ UMass Amherst
work by Basani, Heuck, Englund, Krastanov

Room-Temperature Optical Quantum Computing

Multimode cavity in a nonlinear optical medium¹
  1. Krastanov et al.
    Room-temperature photonic logical qubits via second-order nonlinearities
Multimode cavity¹
... and its spectrum
\[ \hat{H} = \hat{a}^\dagger \hat{b}\hat{b} + p(t)\hat{b}^\dagger\hat{c} + H.c. \]
  1. Krastanov et al.
    Room-temperature photonic logical qubits via second-order nonlinearities
\[ \hat{H} = \htmlClass{bc0}{\hat{a}^\dagger} \htmlClass{bc1}{\hat{b}\hat{b}} + \htmlClass{bc4}{p(t)} \htmlClass{bc1}{\hat{b}^\dagger} \htmlClass{bc2}{\hat{c}} + H.c. \]
  1. Krastanov et al.
    Room-temperature photonic logical qubits via second-order nonlinearities
\[ \hat{H} = \htmlClass{bc0}{\hat{a}^\dagger} \htmlClass{bc1}{\hat{b}\hat{b}} + \htmlClass{bc4}{p(t)} \htmlClass{bc1}{\hat{b}^\dagger} \htmlClass{bc2}{\hat{c}} + H.c. \]

A rather "poor" Hamiltonian...

  1. Krastanov et al.
    Room-temperature photonic logical qubits via second-order nonlinearities

Can be twisted into something useful:

Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction

\[\begin{aligned} |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{3}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{0}\rangle \\ \end{aligned}\]

Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction

\[\begin{aligned} |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{3}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{0}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{1}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{0}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{0}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{0}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ \end{aligned}\]

Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction

\[\begin{aligned} |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{3}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{4}\htmlClass{bc2}{0}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{1}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{2}\htmlClass{bc2}{0}\rangle \\ |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{0}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \rightarrow & |\htmlClass{bc0}{0}\htmlClass{bc1}{0}\htmlClass{bc2}{1}\rangle \\ \end{aligned}\]
Coherent feedback-free error correcting circuit for a \(\left\{|22\rangle,\frac{|40\rangle+|04\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\right\}\) code.

Is this a realistic device?

\(\times 10^{10}\) of magnitude improvement in figures of merit in just 10 years...

All-photonic Linear Algebra Accelerator Via Non-linear Optics

All-to-all neuron interactions in a single on-chip component

Reversible computation

Interesting performance-power relationship

The "Computational Core"

A single multimode resonator.
A single multimode resonator...
and its spectrum

System dynamics

\(\frac{\mathrm{d} A_{i}}{\mathrm{d}t} = \left( -\frac{\Gamma}{2} + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} \right) A_{i} \\ - \chi \left[ \sum_{j\gt i}^{N} \left( P_{1}P_{j}^{*} \right) A_{j} - \sum_{j\lt i}^{i - 1} \left( P_{1}^{*}P_{j} \right) A_{j} \right]\)

Where \(A_\dots\) stands for "neural amplitudes"

and \(P_\dots\) stands for "pump amplitudes".

\(P_1\gg P_i\) is a convenient simplification, but unimportant

Simplifying Assumptions and Hardware alternatives

We assumed strong pumps to avoid neural Kerr

  • ... but we could have forgone linearity
  • ... maybe also assume in-situ training
  • ... or switch to \(\chi^{(2)}\) media
    • ... but that would require orders of magnitude difference in pump and neuron frequencies

Effective dynamics - matrix multiplication

\(\vec{A}(t = \Delta t) = e^{\Delta t \textbf{P}} \vec{A}(t = 0)\)
\[ \textbf{P} = \begin{pmatrix} -\Gamma/2 + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} & P_{1}P_{2}^{*}\chi & P_{1}P_{3}^{*}\chi & & & \dots & P_{1}P_{N}^{*}\chi \\ -P_{1}^{*}P_{2}\chi & -\Gamma/2 + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} & P_{1}P_{2}^{*}\chi & & & \dots & P_{1}P_{N-1}^{*}\chi \\ -P_{1}^{*}P_{3}\chi & -P_{1}^{*}P_{2}\chi & -\Gamma/2 + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} & \ddots & & \dots & P_{1}P_{N-2}^{*}\chi \\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & & & \vdots\\ \vdots & & \ddots & \ddots & & & \vdots \\ & & & & & & \\ -P_{1}^{*}P_{N-1}\chi & \dots & & -P_{1}^{*}P_{2}\chi & & -\Gamma/2 + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} & P_{1}P_{2}^{*}\chi\\ -P_{1}^{*}P_{N}\chi & \dots & & -P_{1}^{*}P_{3}\chi & & -P_{1}^{*}P_{2}\chi & -\Gamma/2 + i\chi|P_{1}|^{2} \end{pmatrix} \]


Expressivity (or maybe just "unitarity") decreases in the presence of loss

Linear classification example

Activation Function



Fully optical implementation

capable of working with negative (or complex) numbers


System dynamics

\(\frac{\partial E_{\mathrm{n}}}{\partial z} + \frac{\eta}{c} \frac{\partial E_{\mathrm{n}}}{\partial t} = -\kappa E_{\mathrm{sub}}^{2} - \alpha E_{\mathrm{n}}\)
\(\frac{\partial E_{\mathrm{sub}}}{\partial z} + \frac{\eta}{c} \frac{\partial E_{\mathrm{sub}}}{\partial t} = \kappa E_{\mathrm{n}} E_{\mathrm{sub}}^{*} - \alpha E_{\mathrm{sub}}\)

Interactive supplementary materials at

Effective activation function via a sub-harmonic pump.

(Nonlinear) Amplification

Activation function via a second-harmonic pump.

A Case Study

Digit recognition with MNIST

Increase at first thanks to higher expressivity, followed by a decrease, followed by an absorption cliff.

Main Takeaways

All-to-all neuron interactions in a single on-chip component.

Self-funded dev program for room-temperature quantum computing.

Consider a postdoc at UMass Amherst:

Design of optical/mechanical/spin devices with Sandia, Mitre, and MIT.

Creating new modeling tools for the entire community.