A rather "poor" Hamiltonian...
Can be twisted into something useful:
Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction
Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction
Can be twisted into something useful:
Full error correction
All-to-all neuron interactions in a single on-chip component
Reversible computation
Interesting performance-power relationship
Where \(A_\dots\) stands for "neural amplitudes"
and \(P_\dots\) stands for "pump amplitudes".
\(P_1\gg P_i\) is a convenient simplification, but unimportant
We assumed strong pumps to avoid neural Kerr
Interactive supplementary materials at pluto.krastanov.org.
All-to-all neuron interactions in a single on-chip component.
Self-funded dev program for room-temperature quantum computing.
Consider a postdoc at UMass Amherst:
Design of optical/mechanical/spin devices with Sandia, Mitre, and MIT.
Creating new modeling tools for the entire community.